Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression: How Does It Work?

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression (NSSD) is indicated in conditions like herniated or bulged disc, stenosis, arthritis, degenerative joint disease and sciatica. Decompression can help to relieve back, neck, leg or arm pain in many patients who had little success with surgery. It may even allow some patients to avoid back surgery altogether. Symptom improvement can be immediate or within 4 to 6 weeks. In this post I’ll describe 3 theories of how NSSD reduces symptoms caused by injured discs.

Segmental Traction: The pull, or traction, that NSSD exerts on a specific spinal segment reduces, and can even reverse, the pressure on a disc. By removing the compressive forces on the disc it is possible to decrease the size of the disc bulge.

Disc Hydration: In adults, discs receive nutrients through diffusion. Diffusion—and not blood supply provides the nutrition needed to keep discs healthy. Gentle pulls on the affected vertebrae result in hydration of the disc that allows the nutrients necessary for healing to reach the affected area.

Neuroplasticity: Think of your brain as a muscle that can be strengthened or rehabilitated. This characteristic of the brain is called neural plasticity. The gentle pulling of NSSD activates nerve receptors in spinal joints, muscles and tendons that are linked to the cerebellum, the part of your brain responsible for coordinating movement, controlling posture and greatly influencing muscle tone. In this way, NSSD promotes neural plasticity that, in turn, improves muscle tone and decreases pain.

At Better Body Solutions we have a “Brain-Based Therapy” room where we exercise the brain to help with spinal or chronic back pain, as well as leg or arm pain, vertigo/dizziness, balance disorders, fibromyalgia and peripheral neuropathy. To learn more, contact us here.

1 comment:

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