FDA Clears Zerona For Effectiveness & Safety

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal (Freeze! Zap! Bye-Bye, Fat) discusses how the Zerona laser has been cleared by the FDA. The Zerona has been found to be both safe and effective.

I emailed author Melinda Beck the following:

Dear Ms. Beck,
I enjoyed your recent Wall Street Journal article regarding the Zerona Laser. We have had the laser for over a 1.5 years and have treated a few hundred patients. I especially appreciate that you mentioned the biochemically active role of fat cells in the body:
"….fat cells are not just passive storage depots for surplus calories. They are busy chemical factories that send signals all over the body, helping to regulate growth, puberty, healing, disease-fighting, and aging. Among the 100 or more hormones that fat cells secrete are adiponectine, which helps manage metabolism, and leptin, which tells the brain to eat more or less (although the brain doesn't always listen)."
In my experience, patients generally misunderstand the effect of removing fat cells. As a result, I've consulted with a number of post-liposuction patients who complain that the fat has returned. This is why—as you mention in your article—it is also important for patients to follow-up any body contouring procedure with a healthy diet and exercise program.
Still, it’s not exclusively a matter of willpower. Quite a few people have metabolic problems that hinder them from losing weight regardless of how much they diet or exercise. These patients require more complex treatments including identifying where the metabolic block occurs, and correcting it so they can better break down and process fat.
Best Regards,
Dr. Nicholas Ungaro
Better Body Solutions
5th Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10017

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